Born in Bologna (Italy) on 1953, 07,06. 1981,09.15: appointment as “university confirmed researcher” on medieval history at Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa. 1992, 11, 01: first appointment as “Professore associato” for medieval history at the University of Pisa, Faculty Lettere e Filosofia. 1995,11,01: official confirmation as “professore associato”. Subjects: History of the settlements in the late antiquity and middle ages (1992/93); Medieval istitutions (1992/93-1994/95); Medieval antiquities and institutions (1995/96-2000/2001). 2001,04,01: first appointment as “Professore ordinario” for medieval history at the University of Pisa 2004,04,01. official confirmation as “Professore ordinario”. 2001,11,01: charge of the subject “History” at the “School of Specialization for school teachers of the Tuscany” (SSIS), see of Pisa 2006,11,01: president of the Library of Philosophy and History by the University of Pisa 2008-2009: director of the “PhD School on History” by the University of Pisa 2001-2014: further research experiences on: 1. Church organization in town and countryside in medieval Tuscany 2. Politics, worship and piety in medieval Pisa.

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