• 1994: Degree in Medieval Archaeology (Humanities), University of Siena, with a thesis entitled: ‘Water, grain, iron. Medieval water-powered workshps in the Farma-Merse valley’ Supervisor Prof. R. Francovich
• January 1995-february 1997: holder of a contract for a research about the medieval incastellamento in Tuscany, directed by Prof. R. Francovich, University of Siena, Department of Archaeology and Arts History
• 1997-1999: holder of scholarship at the University of Siena, for a research about the medieval water-mills and ironworks on the Mount Amiata (Siena). Supervisor: Prof. Duccio Balestracci
• 2005: PHD in Medieval History, University of Florence, Supervisors Prof. J. C. Maire Vigueur, Prof. P. Pirillo, with a thesis entitled ‘Landlords and castles. Aristocracy, lordship and settlement trasformation in the Florentine comitatus (end of 10th-half of 12th cent.)’
• 1/12/2006-30/11/2010: Research grant holder in Medieval History, Department of History, University of Pisa
• Member of the editorial board of ‘Ricerche Storiche’ (from 2010 onwards)
• 2/05/2011-till now: Researcher in Medieval History (SSD M-STO/01) at the International Telematic University Uninettuno (Roma)
• From a.a. 2013-14 onwards is teacher responsible for the course of Medieval History in the Faculty of Lettere at the International Telematic University Uninettuno (Roma)
• Novembre 2013: obtained the National Academic Qualification as Associate Professor
• Has published two books and about fourty essays